The Workforce Investment Act program (WIOA) has served as a leader in providing employment and training opportunities for over 25 years. WIOA is funded by the Department of Labor. The purpose of Subtitle D, Section 166 (Indian and Native American Programs) is to support the employment and training activities for Indian, Alaska Native, and Hawaiian individuals. Eligible veterans and their spouses will receive priority service. Components include Work Experience, Educational Training, Job Skill Training, Job Search, Job Readiness, Job Development, Job Placement, and Career Planning.
Train Today for a Better Tomorrow!

Meet the WIOA Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Pembroke Office
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
636 Prospect Road
Pembroke, NC 28372
(910) 521.9761
Charlotte Office
Hours of Operation
Wednesday 8 am to 5 pm
To make an appointment
call (980) 949-7352
*(Days and hours are subject to change)